HyEndFed 8 Band 200 Watt Black Clamp

€ 185,00


HyEndFed 8 band antenne voor 80,40 (30) 20,17, 15,12 en 10 meter.
Max. Power : 200 WATT PEP SSB, 35 WATT DIGITAL.
Lengte : 40 meter.
Behuizing : Polycarbonaat IP67, 100% UV bestendig.
SO239 Teflon Connector.
Alle bevestigingsmaterialen zijn van RVS.
Alleen op de 30 meterband is in de meeste gevallen een antenne tuner nodig.

Voorzien van compensatie oplossing.

Drukstabilisator ter voorkoming van condensvorming.
Deze drukstabilisator zorgt ervoor dat de druk in de behuizing hetzelfde blijft als de druk buiten de behuizing.
Door deze plug aan te brengen ontstaat er geen condensvorming in de behuizing.

Deze VSWR metingen zijn gedaan in het vrije veld op een hoogte van 10 meter horizontaal.
Gebruikte coaxkabel : Aircell 7 met een lengte van 12,75 meter.
Meetinstrument : RigExpert AA-600.



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Zonder Condensator zit de laagste swr op 3.5MHz.


Naam: Henk Stad: Overloon 23 april 2022 Time: 10:27:20

I've never had an antenna this good in 30 years, it's broadband as described and excellent for listening and transmitting on the specified radio bands, I'm verry happy with it!!
and thanks for the great support from Ron

73 Henk
Name: Thorsten Amelang, DO4TP City: Hilden, Germany 14 november 2020 Time: 16:05:34

The best HyEndFed 5 band antenna MK3 forever

After my order, the package arrived within a week. After opening the package, I am very impressed by the excellent quality. After my installation I was totally flashed how optimally this multi-band antenna works on the bands.
I can only recommend this antenna system as a long-wire compact to every radio amateur.

vy 73 de DO4TP
Name: Jerry Pereira- K4KBL City: Lilburn, GA 13 juni 2020 Time: 23:15:34

I purchased the 10-40 meter 200 watt version although I’m a QRPer. The difference between the HyEndFed and my OCF Windom antenna is phenomenal!! I can hear more and so many more stations can hear me with just 6 watts.
I have it is a slopper configuration with the low end at about 5’ and the high end at about 55’.
Well worth every penny in my opinion. Great performance and built to last.
Highly recommended indeed.
72’ - 73’
Jerry - K4KBL
Name: Dirk DD3DJ Stadt: Bochum 05 januari 2018 Time: 14:21:17

i'm running 2 Endfeds, one monoband for 40meters now for almost exactly one year. The 40m is my favorite, spanned it from the top of the roof (mast for VHF) @ 16m agl down to about 14 meters ending in a tree at the end of my garden. Great performance! Running regularly WSPR-beacon with 200 milliwatts on it and am heard in FK, VK, W6 - to sum it up - all over the world!
For real DX it should be a bit higher, but can't realize this in my situation in a densely crowded city aera.
SWR is perfect, don't need a tuner on the whole band.
The other is a (40)-20-10m-Version, spanned in a 30 degree angle away from the 40m-monoband and this one works great on the band that it's made for - also no tuner required. Can be tuned on 12 and 17 m as well... very good job, will recommend it! 73s, Dirk
Naam: Arno - PE1RDP Stad: Veldhoven - JO21QK 01 december 2017 Time: 15:53:09

I read a lot of positive reviews about the hyendfed antennae so I bought one. Good and fast delivery, very good mechanical quality. Made some qso's but I wanted to see the real difference between (hy)endfed and monoband dipoles.
So I did a few tests: connected one wsrp transmitter to the hyendfed and another wspr tx to a monoband dipole. Same TX power. After a few hours, I switched these transmitters just in case there is a difference between them. With the reports (exported to excel) on wspr.net I could not see any real difference between the hyendfed and the dipoles (tested 20m, 40m and 80m). So the Hyendfed is equal to a monoband dipole for me.
This happy customer just ordered my 3th Hyendfed antenna :-)

73 Arno - PE1RDP - Veldhoven - JO21QK
Name: Jeff / W4JRV City: Beaufort / South Carolina 23 november 2017 Time: 16:52:19

I bought this antenna off of QRZ and never used a straight wire before, always been a Dipole user. All I can tell you is that this antenna has completely changed my mind. I have it installed as a diapole with the the ends up about 50-60 feet and the middle dropping down to about 40 feet. Great antenna.
I have just got a Flex-3000 with a AL-811 and now I have ordered this same antenna in a 800 watt version. I will never use any other antenna again. I plan on keeping this one for a back up.
Also, I have to highly recognize Ron with this site for his customer service. I had problems in trying to order the new antenna and sent him an email and he responded within minutes with the instructions I needed. Thanks Ron and great customer service.
Name: HB9IQP/CU2BR Al Stadt: Locarno 01 november 2017 Time: 02:22:54

Had this antenna in case my horizontal loop goes down, and it`s append last winter grr r.. So I used this 8Bander, only 23m long.
The antenna works very nice and as promised. My hamColleges did`nt believe it first as they listen to me.. GREAT antenna indeed, can fully recomand it.
And a great bonus of all this endfeed antennas: You dont speak any more in all telephones nearby.. Many of my hamColleges are using now this endfeeded antennas too.
Nom: Andre F5SSI Ville: NR AGEN 01 oktober 2017 Time: 09:09:55

After using a G5RV and a FD4, I've just installed this 40 m antenna. 10 meters high to 7 meters. Never had such results. Using a rockmite CW qrp with 500 mW, I got 569, 579 rst all around Europe.
Very top quality.
The best wire antenna I never used. Don't hesitate.

72, 73 's de Andre - F5SSI
Name: Ari City: Sydney 09 juli 2017 Time: 12:51:41

I use this antenna for quick field operations using Ron's Fiberglass Telescopic Heavy Duty Masts (12,5M) when there are no trees around. Fantastic quality and results! I typically deploy in a straight line approx. 8 meters (26 feet) off the ground at its lowest point and use an antenna tuner for fine tuning. I am very happy with the performance even as low as 80 meters. Highly recommended.
Name: Simon VK3HOT City: Bendigo Australia 15 april 2017 Time: 09:36:46

I have two end fed antennas 40-10 and 80-10 and I can say that even at modest heights these antennas radiate! I had the 40-10 up at 5 meters and easily worked US and Europe stations on 20 and 40. The 80-10 will be up at 9 meters and I anticipate even better results. Overall very impressed with the quality of workmanship, the instructions and the results! I would strongly suggest that you buy one of Ron's antennas, you won't be disappointed.
Name: Helmut Wossog Stadt: Riedering 13 september 2016 Time: 10:13:52

I have ordered some times and Ron is like a swiss watch , fast and in top Quality . When I go for DXing to Lesotho , a US Amateur need a sked on 40 m and I haven´t a antenna for this band , Ron makes that in two day´s and it arrives here before travelling in top Quality also ( QRO typ ) .The last order was the 800W 11,85m 3-bander , all is very well and fast delivery , I can give 5 stars !!!!
Name: PY1SW Cesar Augusto Vieira Santos City: Rio de Janeiro/RJ 30 augustus 2016 Time: 22:26:13

That is my third antenna that I've ordered from The HyendFed company. My first one was a three band antenna to work on 40, 20 and 10 meters. Despite the fact that there isn't enough room to place a dipole or a ground plane antenna at the roof top in my building, I have managed to install the three band long wire antenna, hanging the match box from my apartment window and tying the other end to the downstairs garage roof, using a very light rope. The performance and SWR were better than I had expected for a wire antenna like that, which made me brave enough to order another one with double the size of the first one and which is able to operate in 5 bands (80, 40, 20, 15, 10 meter). Once again I did not expect anything different from my first experience with the three bands, keeping in mind my restricted space, so I installed this second antenna in the same place. Recently I have ordered a new 8-band antenna considering I was so confident with the excellent performance I've got from the three and five bands ones. Considering that this antenna is almost 40 meters long I had to hang it from the building roof top, near its edge, and let it go down until the roof top garage downstairs. The antennas, one at a time, were placed in an angle of 45 degrees in relation to the ground. Using an output power and SWR meter, a Daiwa CN-801HP, I've got 1.1 to almost all bands which made me confident that the antenna performance would be a success. Ron, PA3RK, the owner of the HyEndFed company is always ready to reply to any mail with questions a customer may have and that is another positive aspect that every ham radio operator appreciates. 73, PY1SW
Name: Peter Burke City: Castlemaine Victoria 18 juni 2016 Time: 00:20:44

I have been using Ron's antennas for approximately two years now, and my comments relate to a number of antennas in general, and the new 8 band in particular.

This is my fifth HyEndFed antenna. I have two low power models for portable use and have owned the 5 band and 80/40/20 models. I have a difficult location to set up dipoles and many folk advised against end fed antennas as being a very poor second option for me to use.

The first antenna I purchased from Ron convinced me that the proper engineering and application of end fed antennas can be remarkably successful.So much so, that I now use the 8 band as my primary antenna. On my antenna analyser, it tests as per Ron's data on this site and on air it is excellent.

I don't have licence privileges for the WARC bands but they are a useful inclusion if ever I upgrade.

Ron always responds quickly to orders and to technical questions about his antennas.

If you want a Swiss Army Knife of antennas, this would get my vote.
Nom: David COTTON Ville: JEUMONT - FRANCE 07 mei 2016 Time: 12:47:59

Après avoir acquis, une Hy End Fed antenna 4 bandes, puis une 15m monobande et une 10m monobande par la suite, je fais à nouveau confiance à Ron pour l’acquisition du nouveau modèle 8 bandes.
Cette antenne remplace une FD4.

Comme d’habitude, les matériaux sont de bonne qualité : boitier en polycarbonate, prise SO-239 avec du vrai téflon, bride et collier en acier inoxydable, isolateur terminale de bonne qualité.

L’expédition est très rapide (antenne commandée le lundi matin, reçue le mercredi soir) et accompagnée d’un numéro de tracking pour suivre son voyage.

Ron est disponible pour répondre rapidement aux questions techniques sur les antennes qu’il conçoit.

Les résultats sont bons malgré une propagation capricieuse actuellement sur les bandes HF.

Le niveau de bruit est parfois plus faible sur cette antenne comparée à une Hy End Fed antenna monobande (essais réalisé sur 21MHz)

Antenne à essayer pour ceux qui disposent d’environ 40m de terrain !

After acquiring a Hy End Fed antenna 4 bands, and a 15m single band model and a 10m single band model later, I again trust Ron to acquire the new model 8 bands.
This antenna replaces an FD4.

As usual, the materials are good quality: Polycarbonate casing, SO-239 socket with real Teflon flange and stainless steel braket, terminal insulator good quality.

Shipping is very fast (order antenna Monday morning, received on Wednesday afternoon) and followed by a tracking number to track it.

Ron is available to quickly technical questions answers on antennas designs.

The results are good despite a capricious propagation on the HF bands actually.

The noise level is sometimes lower this antenna compared to a single-band antenna Fed Hy End (tests performed on 21MHz)

Antenna to try for those with about 40m of land!

73s, David F4EPU
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