HyEndFed 4 Band 1600 Watt AL Plate MK2

€ 259,00


HyEndFed 4 band antenna for 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter.
Max. Power : 1600 Watt PEP, SSB
Length : 20 meter.
Enclosure : Polycarbonate IP67, 100% UV resistant.
SO239 Teflon Connector.
All hardware Stainless steel. Mast clamp galvanized steel with Stainless steel nuts.



The VSWR measurements of this antenna are made at a height of 10 meters horizontally.
Used coaxcable : Aircell 7 with a length of 12,75 meters.
Used VSWR meter : RigExpert AA-600




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Mast Clamp

Type Strain relief


Nom: Régis - F1JGJ Ville: FRANCE 18 oktober 2022 Time: 17:57:05

Bonjour à tous, j'utilise cette antenne depuis 4 mois maintenant et j'en suis très satisfait. La qualité de fabrication est excellente, et je la trouve discrète une fois mise en place.
Son installation n'est surement pas optimum dans mon cas (due à des contrainte de voisinage), le point haut est à environ 8m de haut et le point bas à 2m (en sloper donc).
Je la trouve excellente sur 15 et 40m et elle rivalise avec ma Kelemen monobande sur 20m.
Il n'y a que sur sur la bande des 10m qu'elle est bizarrement un peu moins performante, peut-être encore une fois due à son installation. Dans tous les cas je la recommande.
Name: Ursin, DL9UW Stadt: Detmold, Germany 21 februari 2022 Time: 11:59:21

I am using the HY END FED 10-40m since some weeks and I am really satisfied. With FT8 I am able to work 71 countries all over the world, in this short time, even 18.500 km up to New Zealand. Even in a test installation which is not perfect. No more problems with my neighbor, it is more or less invisible and there are no HF disturbance.
The quality is very good. From my side I can give a recommendation.
73, Ursin, DL9UW
Naam: Markus HB9GFM Stad: Oetwil a.d.L. 15 december 2020 Time: 10:29:59

I am using this particular antenna since more than two years. I am fully satisfied with the performance..
In combination with a MFJ-998-Intellituner, I used the following bands: 80/40/20/17/15/10 m. The „magic-band“ is also tunable with my station, but I use a different antenna for QSOs on 6 m.
I was able to work 108 countries in one year.
The antenna can be recommended in cases of antenna-restrictions and neighbor-problems: With its small and black wire the antenna is nearly invisible.
The production-quality is convincing and allows the use of the antenna for many years.
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